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Envysion is a growing and continuously evolving provider of software & video-based analytics. In 2006, we were focused on providing clients with video hardware. Today, we have grown to offer our clients the ability to use video as an analytical tool to help improve customer service/retention, coach employees, and increase profitability.
Capture, analyze, evaluate and measure your brand promise every day.

Successful brands know the experience they want customers to have, the processes they want employees to follow, and the bottom line they expect to achieve. Envysion helps companies deliver on that formula.

Our unique cloud-based video intelligence delivers real-time insights into all your locations—right at your fingertips—to ensure your team is consistently using best practices that delight customers and increases profitability at every possible opportunity.

Envysion Insights gives you a window into every store so you can test, measure, and implement your formula for success. Combining operational, financial and employee metrics with our video and sophisticated analytics to deliver insights to decision makers across the organization—integrating seamlessly with your IT infrastructure.

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Envysion M3
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