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Mad Genius Radio

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The team here at Mad Genius Radio is focused on just one thing: building the world’s radio service. For them, there are three big turn-offs when it comes to music services: stale playlists, hit-or-miss recommendation engines, and the doubt/anxiety caused by simple thumbs up or down input. Not to mention the ads. They believe that radio needs to be a good mix of the familiar with the avant-garde, along with the ability for the individual listener to truly influence the music. And it needs to sound great whether you’re actively personalizing it or just passively listening.

Their founder, Eric, has been trying to give people the music they want to hear for the past 30 years (seriously!). Beginning with his man-on-a-mission campaign to improve turnout at his college fraternity social by swapping the deejay’s untested, unfamiliar LPs with crowd-pleasing hits, Eric has demonstrated time and again that people are happier – and listen/stay/party longer – when the music balances well-known hits with new discovery.

They designed Mad Genius to keep you listening. It’s easy to combine different types of music and influence how much you hear of your favorites (or not-so-favorites).

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