Technology Partners Lunch

Hosted by

Technology Partners Business Networking

WHEN: Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Join us for lunch, introductions, and some great conversation with like-minded digital technology businesses.

Typical Agenda:
* Come early for extra networking time.
* Start promptly at 12:05 – please arrive early
* Introductions – Who you are and your technical specialty
* Topic of the Day – This could be sharing more about our individual businesses, round table topics, or a presentation by Consortium Members.
* Pass contact information – bring business cards!
* End at 1:00
* Stay longer and network if your schedule allows

While we do not charge for this event, we do ask that you please make a purchase out of respect for our gracious hosts at Tap and Grill. Please let us know if you RSVP’d and can’t make it so we have a correct count for the restaurant.


4901-4959 S Newport St, Denver, CO 80237

Make Reservation